Quality Assurance

Laroche Foundry is renowned in the metallurgical industry for its expertise and dedication to quality.

ISO 9001: 2015

Over the last 15 years, Laroche Foundry has been implementing a quality management system in order to maintain customer satisfaction. Our ISO-9001 certification is testimony of the emphasis we put on quality control at every step of the manufacturing process. Through quality management and continuous process improvement, we ensure that we fully meet our clients’ needs and expectations.

Quality Testing

Backed by many years of experience, Laroche Foundry has built a name that’s synonymous with top quality. To ensure that we honour our reputation, we consistently perform a range of quality tests at different steps of our manufacturing process.

Our first set of testing is performed on green sand. To ensure optimal properties, grain size, humidity, permeability, compactibility and resistance are analysed, allowing us to create superior molds that will improve the overall quality of the final product (i.e. provide a superior surface finish and reduce external porosity).

Then, at the melting step, a sample is collected from each furnace to measure the characteristics of the cast iron through different tests.

  • Chemical analysis
  • Tension testing
  • Elastic limit testing
  • Elongation at break
  • Hardness testing
  • Microscopic examination

Finally, a systematic visual examination of each of our castings is performed at the finishing step. A dimensional inspection is also carried out to ensure that our product is compliant.

*Further testing can be done upon request.