Tree grates for municipalities

Customized cast-iron products

Both sturdy and sleek, Laroche Foundry tree grates are custom-made by our experts to fit any environment and trunk size. Our products are available throughout Quebec!

Why opt for our tree guards and grates?

Our tree grates are available in a variety of shapes to perfectly suit your municipality’s specific needs: rectangle, round, hexagonal or customized. Since our company was founded nearly 100 years ago, we have honed our expertise in iron casting for municipal markets. When you call on Laroche Foundry to manufacture your tree guards and grates, you can count on a custom manufacturing service and on parts made entirely in Quebec. Our grates will withstand the harshest weather conditions.

Our tree guards and grates,
an asset for your municipality

Our tree guards and grates serve many functions at once

  • Tree protection

    Grates and guards protect tree roots from potential urban hazards such as snow clearing, pedestrians and litter, keeping trees healthy and strong.
  • Safe pedestrian access

    Tree grates can be used to extend the pedestrian zone and facilitate access to people near trees by concealing their roots, thus reducing the risk of falls due to uneven surfaces.
  • Landscaping

    Custom-designed tree grates and guards blend seamlessly into your municipality's landscape, creating a clean, elegant environment.
  • Easy watering and drainage

    Grid openings allow tree watering and facilitate good water drainage, while limiting access to waste products that are harmful to tree health.
  • Weed control

    Tree grates minimize weed growth that could compromise tree health and the appeal aesthetics of the urban landscape.
  • Made in Quebec

    All our products are made in Quebec to the highest quality standards. We also place great emphasis on customer service at every stage of your project, and even beyond.

Our tree guard and grate projects

  • Rectangle
  • Round
  • Hex
  • Customs
  • Tree guards
    Square grate - Promenade urbaine (Montreal, Qc)
  • Tree guards
    Square grate - De la Gauchetière (Montreal, Qc)
  • Tree guards
    Rectangular grate - St-Denis street (Montréal, Qc)
  • Tree guards
    Round grate - St-Paul street (Montreal, Qc)
  • Tree guards custom grate
    Custom grate
  • Tree guards square grate
    Square grate - Promenade urbaine (Montreal, Qc)

Experts in gray iron and ductile iron
for nearly a century

When you choose Laroche Foundry, you are partnering with a team of professionals with nearly 100 years of experience and expertise in gray and ductile iron municipal products. We look forward to offering you our friendly service and personalized support!

Request a quote

Quote request

Please allow us 24 to 48 hours to respond to your quote for a part whose casting pattern has already been made, and 1.5 weeks for a part whose pattern has yet to be created.

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