
Our facilities allow us to manufacture parts ranging from 0.5 lbs to 3000 lbs (0.25 to 1300 kg) Whereas you wish to order small, medium or large-sized lots, we will adjust our production to your requirements and choose the appropriate molding method.

With the aim of providing well-rounded service to our clientele, our foundry has its own patternmaking facility which allows us to manufacture, modify and repair your patterns.

 Molding Automatic Semi-automatic Manual
Weight 0 – 100 lbs 50 – 400 lbs  Up to 3 000 lbs
Mold dimension 20″ X 24″ 30″ X 44″ 13″ X 13″ to 108″ X 108″
Machine DISA Match 20/24 CT5/CT6 Manual pneumatic tool
Quantity Mid-sized/large runs Small/mid-sized runs Small runs