
Visit this page regularly to stay aware of all news about our company.

Upcoming events

Salon Industriel de Québec : October 2nd to Octobre 4th 2018, Québec, Qc. Register now!

EASTEC :  May 14th to May 16th 2019, West Springfield, MA. Register now!

CMTS : September 30th to October 3rd 2019, Mississauga, ON. Register now!


Partnership with the Aquarium of Quebec

Laroche Foundry have just signed a partnership with the Aquarium of Quebec. We are proud to commit to protect the environment together. Over the next 2 years, we commit to pay $ 2 per fish product sold to the Quebec Aquarium Conservation Fund. The money raised will be redistributed through various research programs for marine life. Our fish product line is designed to educate citizens about the fact that rainwater is returning to waterways.

Laroche Foundry: Since 1925

As part of the 150th anniversary of the city of Pont-Rouge, we participated in the shooting of a historical documentary in collaboration with CJSR. The first part includes an interview with the current owners while the second offers a tour of our facilities. To watch the full video,

New acquisition: a fully automatic molding machine

We have just acquired a new machine! We replaced our old Hunter with a DISA MATCH 20/24. Following the replacement of this machine, we experienced a significant change in the quality of the molding, so the quality of the castings.